Man accused of impregnating 11-year-old Arizona girl

WARNING: Graphic content

PHOENIX (FOX 10) -- Police arrested a man after they say he impregnated an 11-year-old girl near her elementary school.

In November 2018, investigators say the girl's mother believed she was in a relationship with 20-year-old Carlos Cobo-Perez. The girl stated he kissed her and gave her a "hickey" on her neck.

The following month, Cobo-Perez admitted to being in a relationship with the girl during a telephone interview. He stated he knew her age, knew the relationship was wrong and told the detective he would no longer have contact with her.

According to the police report, on May 17, the girl was taken to Phoenix Children's Hospital. She took a pregnancy test, which returned a positive result. She said Cobo-Perez got her pregnant.

"He called me last Friday crying, telling me he got his girlfriend pregnant and I didn't believe it," said a girl, who did not want to be identified. She said she is a friend of Cobo-Perez and the victim, and said the two dated for several months.

"She really loved him with all her heart, but her parents would not let her see him," said the girl.

Investigators say Carlos admitted to having sex with the girl in his car near her school.

Court paperwork states the parents provided a letter the victim stated Carlos gave her. In the letter, Cobo-Perez knew he could go to jail for having a relationship with the underage girl, but did not care.

Cobo-Perez was taken into custody at his home near 6th Street and Hatcher. He was later charged with aggravated assault and sexual conduct with a minor. He remains jailed on a $150,000 cash-only bond. Police say Cobo-Perez is also an undocumented immigrant.

"If I want to sign my order of deportation, am I allowed to or not?" said Coco-Perez, in court, via a translator.

"That's not something that this court does," said the presiding judge.

His next court date is May 28.
