3 attempted SF carjackings in 1 hour; Uber driver fights trio off
Uber driver fights off carjackers
Three attempted carjackings occurred on Thursday all within an hour in San Francisco – and in one case, the Uber driver fought them off. Cristina Rendon reports
SAN FRANCISCO - Three attempted carjackings occurred on Thursday all within an hour in San Francisco – and in one case, the Uber driver fought them off.
Police are now looking for a group of suspects who were armed with a gun.
In one of the cases, the Uber driver fought back when his car was surrounded by three people at 9th and Harrison streets about 2:30 a.m.
The driver, “Frank,” said he was making a turn when the trio came running around the corner and tried to force their way inside his car. He said there was no way he was going to let that happen
But he says there was no way they were getting his car.
“One got in the backseat,” Frank said. “One was trying to get in the driver’s seat with a gun pointing it at me. I just kept whacking at the barrel and not letting him. He tried to yank me out. I just kept fighting him the whole time.”
Frank said he called police, who were in the area.
Police said there was another attempted carjacking five minutes later, also on Harrison and a third about half an hour later at Mission and Duboce -- all involving three suspects.
The drivers were able to keep their cars, and police say the victims have no relation to each other or the suspects.

San Francisco police are now looking for a group of suspects who were armed with a gun. Feb. 20, 2020

An Uber driver named Frank fought off a trio of suspected carjackers. Feb. 20, 2020