6 teens viciously beat teenage boy unconscious in Berkeley

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A 16-year-old boy was beaten unconscious in Berkeley over the weekend, and most of his accused attackers are now out of custody, authorities said today.

The attack on busy Ashby Avenue near Mabel Street in Berkeley happened just after 5 p.m. Sunday.

Many citizens reported seeing the incident and immediately called 911. Berkeley police found the victim unconscious. Other officers also found the attackers nearby and took them into custody after chasing them down.

Six males, ranging in age from 15 to 19 years old, were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. The adult suspects have been released pending an ongoing investigation.

The victim, whose name was withheld, was taken to Highland Hospital in Oakland with life-threatening injuries. He's in critical but stable condition.

"We don't know what the motive in this case is, but it definitely, it's something that's sad, it's tragic, because we're talking about one young man who's fighting for his life, and another group of young men who are facing some serious charges," said Officer Byron White, a Berkeley police spokesman.

The attack has shocked neighbors along busy Ashby Avenue.

"It's crazy. This town is going -  i don't understand it. Right around the corner up here, you have a park. No drugs, no nothing. Right over there you got a park. It's crazy," said neighbor Bruce Del Mastro. "I don't know what to do with this place. It's never been dangerous to me. I've never had a problem, but the people around here are very scared."

Another resident of the area, Sandy Campbell, said, "It's terrible, the things that are happening these days to these kids. It's crazy, I mean, I grew up in Berkeley, so it was nothing like this when I grew up."

Tamara Powell, interviewed while walking along Ashby, agreed, saying, "That’s crazy. Who beats up -- why would a person beat up a 16-year-old kid? Like, what did he do to you? Like even if he did do something, it doesn't give you the right to beat up on him."