Akira Toriyama, 'Dragon Ball' series creator, dies at 68

Akira Toriyama, the creator of the iconic manga and anime series "Dragon Ball," has died.

He was 68.

The show's publisher, Capsule Corporation Tokyo, announced in an online statement that Toriyama died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma. According to UCLA Health, acute subdural hematoma is "is a clot of blood that develops on the brain from a traumatic brain injury."

According to the company, Toriyama had been working on a couple of projects prior to his death. 

"He would have many more things to achieve," the company's English statement read, in-part.

Prior to the Dragon Ball franchise, Toriyama had already made a name for himself by coming up with the series Dr. Slump, which was a hit series in Japan. However, it was the franchise that featured Son Goku, Bulma, Krillin, Son Gohan and co. that captured the hearts of anime fans across the globe. 

Below is a statement released by Capsule Corporation Tokyo:
