A's fans need vaccination proof to enter Oakland Coliseum's indoor areas

A general view of the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Complex, Monday, Sept. 28, 2020, in Oakland, Calif. The stadium is the home of the Oakland Athletics and the Oakland Raiders from 1966-81 and 1995-2019. The arena served as the home of the Golden

Oakland A's fans attending the game will be required to provide proof of vaccination if they want to enter indoor areas of the Oakland Coliseum, the Oakland A's said in a tweet Friday evening

The requirement is in accordance with Oakland's proof of vaccination ordinance requirement that has been in effect since Feb. 1. Those with medical exemption are required to show verification of medical exemption, proof of a negative COVID test result, and photo identification, according to the ordinance. 

Baseball fans attending the game can still enter and attend without proof of vaccination. The proof is only needed for indoor spaces in the Coliseum, including The Treehouse, Shibe Park Tavern, Bulleit Bar, and C Gate and D Gate Team Stores, according to the ballpark page

SEE ALSO: Oakland Coliseum 'invaded' by feral cats

Oakland A's home opener against Baltimore Orioles begins at 6:40 p.m. Monday evening. 

In San Francisco, Chase Center dropped its requirements effect April 1 in accordance with the San Francisco Department of Public Health's most recent health order. 

The San Francisco Giants also does not have any vaccination or masking restrictions for both indoor and outdoor spaces. 

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