Bay Area prepares for another round of storms

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Bay Area prepares for next storm system Wednesday that could bring more flooding, power outages

North Bay braces for another storm sweeping through Wednesday, as fire officials prepare to watch trouble spots for flooding

Flood warning signs were already stacked up on the side of the road Wednesday, as officials in the North Bay prepared for the next big storm to descend on the already saturated region.

"If they know places that are going to flood, roads that commonly flood, they'll put signs up. At least where I live up in the country," Janell O'Connor of Healdsburg said.

One area that has been a trouble spot twice already this year, is part of Airway Road in Santa Rosa, where a culvert overflowed twice, trapping patients in a hospital and guests in a Hampton Inn hotel. In November, cars were submerged in the parking lot and patients were evacuated due to high waters. Last week, fire crews said flooding at the same place led crews to rescue five people from the nearby hospital.

Fire officials say Thursday they will have crews monitoring that site and local creeks and streams

"A lot of the fire agencies are working on upstaffing some swift water rescue resources to be available around the region as well as also a strike team of wildland engines that have 4WD capabilities," Division Chief Fire Marshal Paul Lowenthal Santa Rosa Fire Department.

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Incoming storm

The forecast remains on track. Our next storm will track toward the Bay Area Wednesday night. Heavy rain and strong winds will move in early Thursday morning. A Flood Watch and High Wind Warning have been posted. Thunderstorm chances have also been added to the forecast.

Last week's landslides during the previous heavy ran, had devastating effects on some homes that slipped down hills. Flooding also forced officials to close roads near Santa Rosa and Sebastopol.

Throughout the North Bay, free sandbag stations are open and ready for residents.

Fire officials say portions of Santa Rosa have had well over 30 inches in the last year. Soil saturation can increase the potential for runoff that causes a rapid rise of streams and creeks.

The North Bay is also bracing for potential power outages, with warnings about high wind gusts that could bring down limbs or uproot entire trees. PG&E says they have extra crews ready.

"We also stockpile our yards with lots of equipment so that should we have damage to poles or lines, we're ready with all of that. And it won't take long to access it," Tamar Sarkissian, a PG&E spokesperson said. "Right now, here in the Bay Area we're going to be really focusing on the Peninsula, North Bay and East Bay.

What is an atmospheric river? Things to know as storm hits Bay Area

Heavy rain is hitting the Bay Area and coastal areas this week as an atmospheric river moves through Northern California.


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