Bay Area teen named USA Mullet Champion after being bullied

It’s a lesson in moxie, determination, and staying true to who you are. And if you’re so lucky, you may be awarded with prizes, celebratory recognition, and even be able to share your story widely.

On Friday, 14-year-old Fremont teen, Mason Padilla, was celebrated by the Oakland Ballers for his recent win as a "2024 Mullet Champion.

With his championship belt fixed across his chest and his flowing, wavy locks hitting past his shoulders, Mason took the role of the ceremonial first batter for Game 3 of the Oakland B’s inaugural playoff series as part of the Pioneer League against the Yolo High Wheelers in Oakland. 

In an interview with USA Today earlier this month, the teen said his win has helped demonstrate to others the heart of who he is. 

"I never thought a haircut could take me this far," Mason told the publication. "What started as something fun has now turned into just who I am − the kid with the curly mullet."

Last month, Mason, then 13-year-old, was awarded the title as "Mullet Champion" in the teen category.

He was awarded a $1,000 cash prize, a GoPro, and managed to raise money for wounded veterans along the way as part of the contest. 

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There were challenges on his journey to championship. Mason was bullied by his peers for his hairdo, according to his mother Michelle Padilla.

She said her son first started growing his hair in 2019, inspired by the movie "Joe Dirt," starring David Spade, who sports an epic mullet.  

"Determined to rock that iconic hairstyle, Mason grew his mullet with pride. But the road wasn't easy," the mom shared on Facebook. "He faced bullying, was called names, and endured hurtful comments."

The bullying prompted Mason to shave off his mullet. It was a decision he would regret, according to mom.   

"Mason made a bold comeback," Michelle Padilla shared. "He decided to grow his mullet back, stronger and more determined than ever."

Prior to his win, he entered the contest multiple times without the outcome he wanted and began feeling discouraged, feeling like a win would never happen.

But 2024 was his year. With the party in the back, and all business, not just in the front, Mason managed to garner 3,793 votes, reached a winning score of 124 from judges and was triumphant, with the impressive hairstyle he dubbed "The West Coast Wave."

"After four years of dedication and perseverance, it has paid off! Mason’s mullet has captured hearts and minds!" the teen’s mother said. "His mullet has become a symbol of his resilience, individuality, and refusal to let others dictate his choices."

Mason said he hopes his story encourages others to embrace who you are, despite the detractors who may try and get in your way. 

"I hope it inspires others to be brave in sticking to something they like and want to do, no matter what others say or think."

Fremont's Mason Padilla has won the title of 2024 USA Mullet Championship in the teen category.  (Michelle Padilla)

Mason Padilla won the competition in August after being bullied for his hairstyle.  (Michelle Padilla)

On Friday, Sept. 13, Mason was invited to make the ceremonial first hit at Game 3 of the Oakland Ballers playoff series against Yolo High Wheelers in Oakland, Calif.