Berkeley 'Looking Glass' camera store robbed of $50K

A Berkeley camera store has reopened after burglars ransacked their business over the weekend.

The owners of the Looking Glass said they're determined to keep going after more than 50 years in business.

On Sunday, thieves used a vehicle to ram into the store's entrance on 5th Street near Bancroft about 5:30 a.m. 

Surveillance video shows young men in sweatshirts entering the store. 

They stole an estimated $50,000 worth of camera equipment and caused a large amount of damage. Berkeley police said the damage to the building is estimated to exceed $60,000.

The owners say, sadly, this kind of crime is not uncommon.

But they're grateful at how the community has rallied behind them.

"I didn't know how much what we do matters to folks," owner Jen Waicukauski said. "And to see how many people shared that message far and wide and contributed." 

The owners created a GoFundMe after the break-in. 


BerkeleyCrime and Public Safety