Bobcat rescued after 50 mile journey stuck in grill of a car

A bobcat is lucky to be alive after a 50 mile journey stuck in the grill of a car.

It was Thanksgiving morning when animal care workers in Richmond, Virginia received a call that a driver thought she had hit something on her way to work. Later after parking, she found there was a bobcat wedged tightly in the grill of her Toyota Prius. 

The Richmond Animal Care and Control's (RACC) Director Christie Peters and Officer Barbara Jones responded to Virginia Commonwealth University, where the car was parked.

They worked to sedate and then dislodge the big cat which had been stuck in the car for a nearly hour-long, 50-mile journey.

On the RACC Facebook page Peters wrote that they received some help over the phone from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and managed to "free the beautiful cat from the car and transport him to the Wildlife Center of Virginia for treatment and release."

Animal care workers said, remarkably, the bobcat suffered only a small scrape on its back.

The rescue offered workers much to be thankful for that day. 

In its post, RACC wrote, "Proud and thankful for everyone that had a hand in saving this life today!"

Also listed among the things animal care workers were grateful for was that "someone cared enough to call to get help for this Bobcat."