Brush fire breaks out on East Bay island

A brush fire broke out Monday morning on Bradford Island in Contra Costa County's San Joaquin Delta.

About 20 people live on the island that's about nine miles northeast of Antioch. 

By 6 a.m., East Contra Costa Fire Protection District officials said the fire had burned 200 acres. 

The only way to get onto or off Bradford Island is the ferry service that usually operates only during daylight hours.

But emergency crews called the ferry captain to help get fire equipment to the island, and evacuate some of the people who live there.

"The fire is steadily burning across the island and is being wind-driven," said Fire Marshal Steve Aubert. "It's most likely going to burn for a number of different days. And it's going to require us to be able to flood the island to be able to fully extinguish this fire."

Fire crews were focused on getting people safely off the island and will start looking for the cause of the fire once they have made sure everyone is safe.

Contra Costa CountyNewsBay Area wildfires