California's reservoirs are brimming
California's reservoirs are brimming
This winter’s historic precipitation and the wet spring so far have left California's reservoir levels healthy for the first time in many years, the California Department of Water Resources reported.
This winter’s historic precipitation and the wet spring so far have left California's reservoir levels healthy for the first time in many years, the California Department of Water Resources reported.
All but one of the state's mega reservoirs are essentially full or will be soon. Shasta, the state's largest reservoir, is at 98% capacity. Oroville, the state's second largest, is that 94%. San Luis, the fifth largest, is that 99% full.
But not all of the state’s largest Reservoirs are brimming.
Trinity, the third largest, sits at just 38% full because most winter rain did not fall into its watershed.
New Melones reservoir near the town of Sonora is at 65%, and Don Pedro, also near the town of Sonora, is at 75%.