Concord immigrant with rare condition allowed to stay in U.S.
Immigrant with a rare genetic condition living in Concord will stay in U.S.
A Concord woman with a rare genetic condition has been worried she would be deported to Guatemala for years. President Biden just signed a bill authorizing Isabel Bueso and her family to stay in the United States.
CONCORD, Calif. - A Concord woman with a rare genetic condition who also had to worry that she would be deported now has two great things that happened to her, including being able to live in this country.
Isabel Bueso was born in Guatemala with a potentially fatal disease that affects her body, including her lungs, heart, and spinal cord.
She came to the Bay Area in 2003, as part of a medical trial to treat her condition.
But the Trump administration in 2019 ended a program that protected undocumented immigrants receiving lifesaving care.
President Joe Biden has now signed a bill, authored by Congressman Mark Desaulnier, allowing Bueso and her family to remain in the United States.
Doctors didn't think she would live past the age of 7.
She's now 27 and graduated with honors from Cal State East Bay.