COVID-19 restrictions: What is and isn't allowed in Contra Costa County

The East Bay joined a number of other Bay Area counties Monday in relaxation of the more strict requirements of Phase Two reopenings set by the governor.

In Contra Costa County some restrictions were eased on certain businesses.

"We are counting on these businesses to consistently follow social distancing protocols and our public guidance so that they can operate safely and protect both their employees and their customers," said Contra Costa County Health Officer Dr. Chris Farnitano.

Beginning this week on Tuesday, retail establishments, may reopen for storefront pick-up only. Neither in-store, nor in-mall shopping, nor outdoor display tables are allowed. Retail goods manufacturers may recommence operations.

Retailers must take reasonable precautions so that customers abide by social distancing requirements. The precautions include such things as marking places so customers stand six feet apart.

Business that operate primarily outdoors may reopen, including retail plant and garden centers as well as agricultural operations.

Outdoor services such as landscaping and gardening as well as environmental site remediation may reopen.

Limited child care for workng parents will be allowed.

But, not permitted to reopen yet are outdoor restaurants, cafes, or bars, as well as businesses that promote large, coordinated, and prolonged gatherings, such as outdoor concert venues and amusement parks.

Residents, are still required to stay home as much as possible. Residents, workers and visitors must wear face coverings when close to others and follow social distancing and disinfection precautions. "Be cooperative with the guidelines; not to do mask shaming, but to lead by example." said Dr. Farnitano.

So, Contra Costa’s rules now pretty much catch up and match up with Alameda County’s. However, both counties, beginning Tuesday and looking primarily at graduation celebrations, have allowed but are imposing elaborate restrictions on the gatherings of cars, limiting the numbers of cars, where they may gather, who may attend, who may be inside the vehicles, security requirements and requiring a responsible host. "We are not currently allowed to be any looser than the state guidelines and so we still know yet at what point we'll be able to encourage friends and family to get together outside of their households," said Dr. Farnitano.

Both counties will look at what level of new cases arise from this rule relaxation, before allowing further easing.

Bay City News contributed to this report. 

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