Death toll reaches 130 one week after Paris attacks

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One week after the terrorist attacks in Paris, French officials announced that one more victim has died, bringing the total number of victims to 130 people from 17 countries.

Investigators also said that the body of a third person was found in the rubble of the police raid in Saint Denis outside Paris that killed the ISIS militant Abelhamid Abaaoud, who is accused of leading the attack group. Police also said his female cousin Hasra Ait Boulahcen did not detonate explosives, as previously thought.

Mourners and more flowers circled the attack sites and memorials already so full of tributes to the victims of the attacks. By Friday night, candles turned streets into altars, as some people bent over in grief and prayer.

Outside the Bataclan Theater Friday night a crowd broke into spontaneous applause, an act of defiance after last week's attacks.

Worldwide, there were signs of solidarity. Muslims in Munich organized an interfaith vigil for the victims, drawing some 300 people.

Belgium raised its terror alert to maximum in Brussels with one remaining attacker, Salah Abdeslam still at large, having passed into Belgium the morning after the attacks before police knew he was a suspect.

French and Belgian ministers held an emergency meeting and agreed to strengthen borders and store data of passengers flying from European cities for one year.

"What I can tell you is that we estimate that there are some 5,000 European nationals that are classified as suspected foreign fighters," said Europol Director Rob Wainwright.

Russian military forces have used long range bombers and cruise missiles, reportedly destroying at least 15 oil refineries controlled by ISIS, in an effort to disrupt the finances of the organization.

President Obama was visiting Malaysia and called for solidarity.

Meantime, presidential hopefuls fought over how to best protect the United States.

The leading GOP candidate Donald Trump said Friday that he was answering a reporter's question when he said would support a mandatory database of U.S. Muslims.

"I would certainly implement that," Trump said on camera Thursday.

Democrat Hillary Clinton and many GOP candidates denounced that idea.

"That's setting a pretty dangerous precedent," said Ben Carson, who has closed in on Trump in the polls.

"I think it's abhorrent that Donald Trump is suggesting that we register people," said Republican candidate Jeb Bush.

"It's not about closing down mosques. It's about closing down any place - whether it's a cafe, a diner, an internet site - any place where radicals are being inspired," said Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

Carly Fiorina criticized President Obama for not doing enough.

"It doesn't mean we have to put 20,000 or 10,000 boots on the ground. It does mean only the U.S. can lead this fight against ISIS," Fiorina said.

The United Nations Security Council approved a French-sponsored resolution for an international crackdown on ISIS, through increased action and cooperation.

French President Francois Hollande is scheduled to meet with President Obama in Washington D.C. on Tuesday November 24th.