Disney releases recipe for its famous frozen Dole Whip pineapple treat

Throughout the quarantine, Disney Parks has been releasing recipes for some of its signature treats like churros on its official Disney Parks blog. I

Now, they're releasing the secret on their famous frozen pineapple treat, Dole Whip, on its Disney Parks app.

Disney's Dole Whip recipe:

For one serving, here's what you'll need:

1 scoop vanilla ice cream

4 oz. of pineapple juice

2 cups of frozen pineapple


Add all ingredients into a blender until it's a thick drink.

Add a swirl and you're done!

Of course, dole whip at the Disney Parks is usually dairy-free. In response, Dole, the fruit company, released its own recipe that doesn't require ice cream.

Dole's Dole Whip recipe:

What you'll need:

1 cup pineapple juice frozen

1 banana, peeled and frozen

2 and 1/2 teaspoons powdered sugar

1/4 to 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage


Add all ingredients into a blender until smooth.

Health CoronavirusLifestyle Food Drink/recipesSeries Instanews