Dos Rios State Park to open in California's San Joaquin Valley in June

In honor of Earth Day, Gov. Gavin Newsom dedicated California's newest state park.

Newsom announced on Monday that Dos Rios State Park will open just before summer, on June 12. The property will become California’s 281st state park and the first new one since the Eastern Kern County Onyx Ranch State Vehicular Recreation Area in 2014.

"The Golden State’s natural beauty is unmatched and we’re laser-focused on ensuring every Californian can enjoy these spaces," said Newsom. "And the benefits don’t just stop at recreation – this park is a key asset to fighting the climate crisis, home to the state’s largest floodplain restoration project. We’re not just protecting these spaces, we’re restoring them for future generations."

Dos Rios State Park is situated about 8 miles west of Modesto in the San Joaquin Valley. The 1,600-acre property state park is the largest public-private floodplain restoration project in California to restore habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife at the Tuolumne and San Joaquin Rivers.

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