Michael Locher took a picture of this noose hanging off a truck in the Pelton Shopping Center in San Leandro. He found it "revolting."
SAN LEANDRO, Calif. (BCN) - Police this week offered some "social education" to a driver recently seen passing through San Leandro with a noose hanging from the back of a truck, after the incident was filmed and posted to social media.
While it was not immediately clear when the video was taken, police learned of the incident Wednesday and began investigating.
Officers identified the owner of the vehicle, who does not live in San Leandro, and wanted to know whether he knew about the noose or possibly may have been the victim of a hate crime. Detectives determined that he was not the victim of a crime.
He reportedly was apologetic and said that he did not mean to harm anyone or offend any groups of people, and agreed to remove the noose immediately.
"This reprehensible behavior cannot occur in our community without inquiry," police Lt. Isaac Benabou said in a statement. "For many people, the noose is symbolic (of) terrible events in our history."