'Escort' reacts to complaints about prostitution on SF's Capp Street

KTVU has an update for a story aired earlier this week. On Wednesday, a self-described escort shared her perspective and asked for understanding.

This comes after repeated complaints about prostitution on Capp Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

The city is planning to put up barriers on the streets where neighbors have complained about traffic and other problems brought on by prostitution.

City leaders said they're stepping in out of concern for the neighbors and the workers.

The woman, who goes by Queen, said she's there to make a living, not cause trouble. 
"I just want to fight for our rights as women," Queen said. 

She contacted KTVU to talk openly about her work on Capp Street. 

Queen said she's not a sex worker and wanted to address the residents who complained of illegal activity, prostitution, traffic, honking and other loud noise on a regular basis.

"I want to say I'm sorry. This is from all the women out there. We are sorry because we don't want to cause harm to nobody," Queen said. "We're just out there to make a living." 

The 22-year-old said she's a single mom who's supporting a 4-year- old son and has bills to pay. 

She said it's a struggle to survive,"It was a last resort" and that she had difficulty finding a job.  

Queen said she doesn't work for anyone but herself and that her sister, who is not in the profession, will often be out there with her to watch her back. 

She said she's been working the streets for five months.

Queen said she's not selling sex, which is illegal.  She's selling her time. 

"I feel like you should have the right to stand anywhere," said Queen. "What if somebody just pays me to talk?"

When asked how often does that happen, she replied, "A lot, actually." 

But not everyone thinks it's safe for all escorts and sex workers to be out on the streets.

MORE: Neighbors complain of 'rampant prostitution,' illegal activity on San Francisco's Capp Street

"We look at the reasons women and men be on the streets," said Antonia Lavine,  director of San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking which helps provide services, including to 24 hour hotline to survivors. 

She said people who work the streets are often exploited, the victims of human trafficking with few, if any options, to make a living.
Some are minors.

"We look at this situation as lack of support networks in the community as a societal problem," said Lavine.  

The city plans to put up barriers on Capp Street between 18th and 22nd Streets to keep out illegal activity.

Queen said that measure will not work because those activities will take place on other streets.

"I was homeless at a young age so it's like I do what I can to make sure I get what I need to get or what I got to do," said Queen.  

Supervisor Hillary Ronen who represents this district said the barriers will likely go up Friday. 

Her aide said it is a temporary measure, and it'll be evaluated in two weeks. 

He said there is a push to get state lawmakers to legalize the profession to regulate the industry, in hopes of making it safer for sex workers.

For survivors in need of help, contact San Francisco Bay Area Human Trafficking 24 hour confidential hotline: 415-907-9911  

Amber Lee is a reporter with KTVU. Email Amber at Amber.Lee@Fox.com or text/leave message at 510-599-3922. Follow her on Facebook @AmberKTVU,  Instagram @AmberKTVU  or Twitter @AmberKTVU