Fmr. federal agent sentenced after lying about sexual relationship with victim witness

A former federal agent and East Bay woman was sentenced to prison this week for making false statements connected to a sexual relationship she had with a victim witness in a federal case. 

Melissa Saurwein was sentenced to two months Wednesday after she lied about having relations with a victim witness in a separate case. The 45-year-old Martinez resident worked as a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations and was working on a human trafficking case.

During her work, Saurwein developed a "romantic sexual relationship," which didn't come to light until after the trial and sentencing of the human trafficking case was finished, according to federal authorities. 

Officials said Saurwein lied while being questioned to conceal the relationship. She was questioned over the matter when prosecutors asked her if she had a personal relationship with any witness or victim in the case, federal authorities said.