Fremont enacts eviction moratorium, other emergency measures

A moratorium on evictions and other emergency resolutions in response to the novel coronavirus emergency were approved Friday at a special meeting of the Fremont City Council.

The moratorium applies to "all residential rental units and small-scale commercial tenants where the failure to pay rent is due to income loss resulting from the declared COVID-19 public health crisis," the city said in an announcement.

The council also passed an anti-gouging ordinance extension that limit individuals, contractors, businesses and other entities from increasing prices more than 10 percent for designated goods and services.

A new anti-hoarding and anti-grouping/social distancing ordinance "Condemns the act of hoarding essential goods and requires social distancing practices as directed by Shelter in Place Order and other applicable public health directives related to COVID-19."

The enactment of an emergency zoning administrator permit process expedites permit approval and reduces public notice and appeal period requirements "where a proposed use is reasonably related to the protection of life or property as affected by COVID-19."

The council also approved a resolution that designates agents to enter into agreements related to state and local emergency financial assistance and applies to current and future disasters for up to three years.

In addition, the city is waiving penalties and interest on late payments for business tax certificates in response to COVID-19. This applies to any business tax certificate that expired on Dec. 31, 2019 and was due for renewal by Feb. 29, 2020, and will continue for business tax certificates expiring on March 31, 2020 and up for renewal on April 30, 2020. For complete details visit