Genitals thrust into teen's face through restroom wall, RCPD investigating

Redwood City police are seeking a man who exposed himself to a teenage boy through a hole in the Marine View Park Restroom on Oracle Parkway.   

The 15-year-old was using the restroom about 12:45 p.m. Wednesday when the man put his genitals through a hole in the wall, police said Saturday.   

The boy fled the restroom and notified his parents, police said.   

The suspect is described as a dark-complected Hispanic man, about 5 feet, 8 inches tall, wearing a black beanie and an unknown color jacket, according to police.   

Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to contact the Redwood City Police Department at (650) 780-7100 or the tip line at (650) 780-7110.   

Crime and Public SafetyNewsRedwood City