Gift card scam involves removing scratch-off code, police warn

Shoppers buying gifts cards for friends and family this holiday season are being urged to carefully examine the cards to avoid a new scam.

Some shoppers have recently been victimized by scammers who have cut off a portion of the card containing an important scratch-off code needed for accessing the cash value of the card, according to police in Pinole, Calif

The scam has involved cards sold in retailers for business like Amazon, police said. 

"Seeing that it's actually hitting home, we wanted to give you guys the info, so you don't fall victim to the scam considering it's the holiday season and regarding gift cards" said the officer identified as Sgt. Duggan in an Instagram video.

The scheme involves the scammers removing gifts cards from sealed envelopes and slicing away the code that the recipient needs to activate the card, Pinole police warned in an Instagram video.

Then the crooks re-seal the envelope with the smaller gift card before returning it to shelves for unsuspecting customers to purchase. 

When someone buys the card after it's been tampered with, the scammers can then tap into the money that has been added to it, police said. 

"What we're advising to do when you guys are buying gift cards is feel for the entire card — it should be the same size as a credit card," said Duggan, "or with the permission of the store when you go up to purchase these, as you ar purchasing them, remove them from these folders and actually make sure that the whole card is actually there.

"So, that way, when you give the present to your loved one this Christmas, they are actually getting this money and they can spend it on whatever they want rather than somebody spending it for you," Duggan said.