Goat Yoga trend hits Half Moon Bay
Photo courtesy of Lemos Farm
HALF MOON BAY, Calif. (KTVU) - Downward goat? Or what about the goat pose?
Amid hay bales and yoga mats, small goats are joining yogis at Half Moon Bay's Lemos Farm.
'Goat Yoga' originally started as a type of animal therapy. "It's a great way for people to relax and recenter themselves while interacting with adorable animals," said Frank Lemos of Lemos Farm.
Lemos Farm calls goats "underrated" animals. "What most people don't realize is that they are really friendly, smart and loving. It's amazing to see so many people connect with them in our classes," said Lemos.
During class goats can be seen hopping from yogi to yogi's who are in cat and cow poses. The lucky yogis might even have a goat cuddle up with them at the end of class during shavasana for ultimate relaxation.
Lemos Farm Goat Yoga Instructor Amber Ricchetti says, "Sometimes getting back to the basics is exactly what we need. The goats also bring out a childlike joy that is completely contagious. I haven’t seen anyone leave class without a huge grin on their face and a full heart."
Lemos says it's a simple and fun yoga class that all levels of yogis - from beginner to advanced - can enjoy.
Find tickets for upcoming Goat Yoga sessions here.