Gov. Gavin Newsom visits California-Mexico border

Governor Newsom visits the California-Mexico border late Friday, where he was briefed by the California National Guard (CalGuard) and U.S. Border Patrol officials (Office of the Governor via Bay City News)

Gov. Gavin Newsom arrived at the California-Mexico border Friday evening with the California National Guard (CalGuard) and U.S. Border Patrol officials.

The California governor visited the land border crossing points that have seen increased arrivals in recent months.   

He later met with community leaders at a primarily state-funded shelter that supports migrant families in San Diego.   

While community nonprofits have provided short-term and critical support, Newsom's partnership with local, state and federal governments are needed to meet humanitarian aid and support border communities.   

Governor Newsom visits portions of the California-Mexico border on Mar. 1, 2024 (Office of the Governor via Bay City News)

According to a press release Saturday morning, Newsom criticized the Republican Party for sabotaging attempts at immigration progress from the Biden administration: "On his first day in office, President Biden put forward a comprehensive plan focused on securing our border, ensuring Dreamers have a permanent home in our country, and helping businesses address their needs for workers...It's past time for the spineless Republicans in Congress to do their job."   

Last week, the governor met with Biden and senior White House officials on issues like immigration and border policy that directly impact California.   

In 2023, Gov. Newsom increased CalGuard service member deployment by approximately 50% at the U.S. ports of entry on the California-Mexico border to intercept the movement of illicit drugs.

Gavin NewsomCalifornia PoliticsCaliforniaNews