Green Day lead singer defaces 'Oakland A's' logo

NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT - JUNE 23: Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day performs at the Isle Of Wight Festival 2024 on June 23, 2024 in Newport, Isle of Wight. (Photo by Mark Holloway/Redferns)

Celebrities are showing their love for the Oakland Ballers.

Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer for the Grammy-winning rock band Green Day, defaced the Oakland A's logo at the Rogers Center in Toronto on Friday.

The East Bay native filmed himself spraypainting a green "B" for the Ballers over the A's logo and crossing out "Athletics" on the display. He then posted the video on his personal Instagram account.  

The logo was in a hallway with several MLB teams. 

Green Day is currently on their "Saviors" tour and was performing in Toronto when Armstrong defaced the A's logo.

It's unclear if Armstrong faced any criminal charges or reprimand over the spraypainting. The Oakland A's couldn't be immediately reached for comment.

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