Guide dog puppy named after Warriors Klay Thompson

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Guide Dogs for the Blind has named its newest puppy in training after Warriors All Star Klay Thompson.

The Warriors Guard met the latest guide dog puppy in training on Wednesday night.

Klay, the dog, is an eight-week-old male yellow Labrador Retriever who met Klay Thompson for the first time following the Warriors Open Practice at Oracle Arena.

Klay and Klay also met the puppy raising volunteers and huge Warriors fans, Joelle Cook and family, from Livermore, who will care for Klay the puppy and raise him through the puppy training process until he is available for formal guide dog training.

Klay Thompson also has a love for dogs and is the proud owner of an English bulldog named Rocco.

“I love dogs and it is amazing to see how through the Guide Dogs for the Blind program they can really help change and save lives,” said Klay Thompson. “Rocco is one of my best friends and I truly understand the relationship dogs and people can have and am honored Guide Dogs for the Blind chose to name their latest puppy after me.” 

Guide Dogs for the Blind is a free, industry-leading guide dog school passionate about serving the visually impaired.

Guide Dogs for the Blind prepares highly qualified guide dogs to serve and empower individuals who are blind or have low vision.

Puppy raising volunteers raise puppies from age eight weeks to 15-17 months, when they can enter formal guide dog training.

During this time, families are responsible for providing their puppies with a well-rounded, nurturing environment.

Klay’s puppy raiser, Joelle, has been raising puppies for over 20 years through the Guide Dogs for the Blind organization.

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