Happy Hollow Zoo in San Jose announces contest to name endangered lemur pup
SAN JOSE, Calif. - The Happy Hollow Park & Zoo in San Jose is asking for the public's help in naming a black-and-white-ruffed lemur pup born last month at the zoo.
Born April 17, the female pup is the first such lemur born at Happy Hollow since 2018. The lemurs, which have tufts of hair lining their ears and faces, are considered critically endangered in the wild due to habitat loss, wildlife trafficking and illegal pet trade, and climate change, according to the zoo.
Anyone can vote on prospective names for the pup. There are three choices, with special meanings in Malagasy, the national language of Madagascar where all species of lemur originate: Tiana ("to be loved / to be liked"); Zoma ("Friday" -- she was born on a Friday); Koa ("Addition").

Votes should be cast before June 1 and the winning name will be announced on June 3.
The zoo, accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums for over 26 years, has 150 animals. The facility participates in Species Survival Plan programs that safeguard threatened and endangered species against extinction, improve the managed population's genetic diversity, and help teach and inspire the next generation of conservationists, according to the zoo.
The birth of the lemur pup "is a very important part of our dedication to conservation and the survival of the species," Zoo Manager Kevin Hertell said.
Votes may be cast online.