Hayward: Fire sweeps through building with four local businesses
Fire damages four businesses in Hayward
Fire crews are working to contain a fire that broke out in Hayward early Monday morning.
HAYWARD, Calif. (KTVU) - A two-alarm fire in Hayward burned a building with several small businesses inside.
The fire broke out around 5:30 a.m in the area of B Street and Foothill Foothill Boulevard.
The Hayward Fire Department is working to determine a cause for the fire and said investigators are looking into reports of homeless people on the roof of the building.
Firefighters were forced to go into defensive mode, attacking the blaze from the exterior as the flames quickly moved through the building.
Fire Captain Don Nichelson said, "Flames were shooting out of the roof. Initially, we had a truck company that was up there getting ready to punch out some skylights and cut a hole, but they were called off because fire was coming out of the roof."
The extent of the damage to the building and four businesses has not been determined, but officials said there will be some water damage.