High school, college seniors lament lost spring sports season

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Bay Area seniors’ lost sports season

The cancellation of spring sports hit high school and college student-athletes hard. KTVU's Scott Reiss reports how many seniors were robbed of their final swings, shots and sprints.

The cancellation of spring sports hit high school and college student-athletes hard.

“It was devastating,” says Miramonte lacrosse player Anna “Boo” DeWitt. “Lots of tears for sure.”

“I love baseball, it’s my passion,” add San Jose State baseball player Troy Viola. “Having it cut short just didn’t seem right.”

But for seniors, the proverbial pill is even more difficult to swallow. Robbed of their final swings, shots, and sprints.

“I was expecting the farewell tour, and that didn’t happen,” says Menlo School baseball player Adam Kasser.

“This was one of the years I trained extremely hard, chimes in Menlo School runner Jackson Aldrich. “I had some PRs I really wanted to break. It’s hard to not see that materialize.”

“I was working my butt off, I was getting up at 4 am for my first workout,” says Viola. Everything that I put into this being the best season yet and all of a sudden it felt like it just got ripped out of my hands.”

Not only are these athletes missing their games, matches, and meets… they’re missing the camaraderie, as well all the great ancillary aspects of senior year sports.

“Events that we were looking forward to later in the season like our senior night, our team sleepover, and other championship activities,” offers DeWitt.

“We knew practices were going to be awesome because we enjoy spending time together we play music during practice,” says Kasser.

“I just miss going to the ballpark every single day, being with my teammates,” add Viola.

While they can’t replicate those activities, they can compensate. And in the end - invaluable perspective for all involved.

“Although it feels like it’s been taken away we still have that team sprit,” notes Aldridge. “Zoom calls every week, little games together, try to go on runs six feet apart. I definitely want to continue sports – not just because I love the sport, but because of the people, it brings out the best in me.”

“This just really put me in my place,” says DeWitt. “Sports are an amazing opportunity for people and to have them taken away is terrible, but I feel bad feeling sad about my season being cancelled when there are people out there with family members who are suffering, and the health care workers putting their lives on the line to help our society overcome this."