Beyond 'House of Horrors': Jordan Turpin reflects on her experience with new brand 'Braveness'

Jordan Turpin's story first made the news back in 2018, when she and her 12 other siblings escaped their childhood home built on filth, squalor and imprisonment.

When Turpin first escaped, she didn't know what the outside world was all about. Today, she says she is grateful.

This Thanksgiving, Turpin looks to represent hope and inspiration because now she has the opportunity to help people in the way she was once helped so many years ago.

When she was 17, Turpin escaped her home and abusive parents in Perris, California to call the police. When authorities raided the Turpin home, they found disturbing evidence of child cruelty, child torture and false imprisonment.


In February 2019, Turpin's parents, David and Louise Turpin, pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts. They were both sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Now 23-years-old, Turpin recalls her experience growing up in what news outlets called the "House of Horrors." She says her desire to save her siblings is what motivated her to run for help that day.

"I don't know what would have happened, or if we could even stand another year of it. It was just getting worse," Turpin said.

Turpin's life looks vastly different today. She has dreams of becoming an author, a model, an actress and a motivational speaker. But today, Turpin is focusing on her new brand "Braveness."

Her brand started with a sweatshirt that reads "Doing My Best." She says this saying represents her and her journey.

"I know that this happened to me for a reason," said Turpin, "I know I can make a big difference in this world."

Turpin's brand ‘Braveness’ can be found at Follow more of Turpin's journey on her TikTok page, @jordan_turpin.

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