Hundreds of pipeline protesters gather at San Francisco federal building

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Protestors rallied in front of the Federal Building in San Francisco Thursday evening, angry at Trump administration policies on energy and the environment.

"It is our responsibility to put our bodies on the line in this moment," shouted organizer Ethan Buckner of the organization

Several hundred people gathered in the plaza at Mission and 7th Street for speeches and songs.

Their focus was the two pipelines in the Midwest, the Dakota Access and the Keystone XL, which were languishing, but have been given new life by executive order.

"Again, it's subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated by us," Mr. Trump said as he signed a directive unblocking the DAP, which will carry crude oil across four states.

The line is complete except for a disputed section near tribal land.

After months of protest by Sioux members and their supporters, the government agreed last month to consider re-rerouting that particular portion.

"I was fortunate to go to Standing Rock three different times, and I have relatives who are still there, " activist Morning Star Gali of the Pit River Tribe told the crowd.

The administration has touted reduced dependence on foreign oil and job creation as chief benefits of the pipeline.

"A lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs, great construction jobs," said President Trump, as he restarted consideration of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

It would add a leg to an existing oil transport network, that would move crude oil from Canada and North Dakota to refiners and terminals on the Gulf Coast.

It has been shelved as unnecessary and outdated two years ago, as the Obama administration pursued policies friendly to clean energy and climate science. 

"I'm thinking it's going to be a long season of protesting," Ben Grandy of Oakland told KTVU, as he listened to the speeches.

Grand held a sign that read, "Rex Tillerson is a fossil fool," referring to the onetime Exxon CEO who is expected to be confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State.

"The government isn't even trying to hide the corruption, the crony capitalism that's going down," said Grandy. "It's a horrible thing, and we can just brace and watch the whole thing explode."

Many speakers pointed out a disturbing overlap between oil profits, appointees and advisors, and public policy.  

"We have laws against this kind of conflict of interest," oil writer Antonia Juhasz told KTVU. "And we have courts to pursue this."   

Participants were encouraged to turn to the person next to them to share their thoughts and feelings, and discuss ways to fight back,

"We can work to divest ourselves from companies that support this, " attendee Sarah Nicolazzo, a UC Professor, told KTVU.

"We can also join organizations that know more, that have been working on this for a long time, so if you feel helpless, join one." 

Those organizations say the fossil fuel industry may be surprised by a backlash against them.

"I think they should be scared because millions of people are now activated to rise up,"

Sara Shor of, told KTVU, " and not just about the pipelines, but to actually fight all the projects that are in people's backyards."