Infamous Santa Cruz 'Otter 841' gives birth to cute pup

The surly otter, who made headlines this summer for evading wildlife officials and stealing surfboards in Santa Cruz, is back in the news: Otter 841 has given birth to a very cute pup. 

Santa Cruz photographer Mark Woodward, who goes by the handle @NativeSantaCruz on X, has been keeping tabs on the otter's hijinks for some time. He shared a photo of mother and baby on Tuesday. 

Otter 841 became a bit of a summer social media sensation, garnering much attention for commandeering surfers' boards and demonstrating no fear of humans. 

"This is so amazing," Woodward wrote. "I suspected she might have been pregnant due to her increased belly size. Before today, last saw her 3 days ago. She’s a bit far out there, but from my vantage point, both mom and pup are doing fine." 

Otter 841 was threatened by wildlife officials with euthanasia if she became aggressive and bit a human. 

Many on social media demanded U.S. Fish and Wildlife leave the otter alone since she was in her natural habitat. When wildlife officials tried to catch her, the otter wouldn't take the bait. At the time, she was considered a threat to public safety. 

In one of her greatest hits, Otter 841 was actually seen wrestling a board away from a surfer on video

Wildlife experts had previously said sea otters' behavioral changes can be attributed to the energy they expend gathering food for their ravenous appetites. 

Hopefully some of 841's aggressive demeanor has subsided now that she's a mom. 

SEE ALSO: Sightseers chasing Santa Cruz otter could be harming the environment