Last minute dash to dine or for a haircut with latest lockdown order

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Latest lockdown deadline causes last minute dash for a haircut

With Napa, Solano, San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties joining the rest of the Bay Area in a regional stay-at-home order, many made a last minute dash to dine outside one last time or to get their hair done as the temporary lockdown goes into effect at midnight.

The Bay Area's ICU availability improved slightly Thursday. But another four counties joined the state's stay-at-home order, which further restricts many businesses.

That includes restaurants and hair salons.

The order takes effect at 11:59 p.m. Thursday in Napa, Solano, San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties.

In Napa, there were plenty of people dining out and getting their hair done.

Folks say as soon as they heard about the shutdown, they wanted to get in their last minute sit-down meal and haircuts.

"We had people calling in from out of county," said Shanan Anthony, the front desk manager. 

Callers all wanted appointments.

Stylists were accommodating as many clients as possible Thursday night before the shutdown.

"My appointment was for tomorrow. Amber (the stylist) very nicely let me change it to today, right before they close," said Giulia Ferrara, a client.  

One stylist worked late-until 9 p.m.

"I want to work. I want to provide a service for my clients. I don't feel that this is unsafe," said Pepper Ferrington, a stylist at Bloom. 

But she said she understands the need to encourage people to abide by the stay-at-home order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

About three miles away from downtown, Hop Creek Pub, tables were fully booked.

The owner says he saw up to a 40% increase in business on this night compared to a normal pandemic Thursday.

"This is the night before they close. Made it a point to come out to visit," said Gus Ulloth, a patron. 

Mike Gatto, co-owner of Hop Creek Pub, said he plans to stay open for takeout, but that it's not the same.

Most patrons are regulars. 

"Just not being able to see them  and communicate with them. They're our extended family. Not seeing them is the hardest part," Gatto said.

Back at Bloom Salon, there was frustration

"I don't think it's right that it's on the backs of small businesses when large retailers get to stay open. I think this salon is much safer than Target," Anthony said  

Hair stylists said December is normally the busiest time of the year so this shutdown could not have come at a worst time.

But everyone who spoke with KTVU said so far, community support has helped them survive the pandemic.

They just hope this will be the last shutdown.

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Latest lockdown deadline causes last minute dash for a haircut

With Napa, Solano, San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties joining the rest of the Bay Area in a regional stay-at-home order, many made a last minute dash to dine outside one last time or to get their hair done as the temporary lockdown goes into effect at midnight.