Livermore officer in sex scandal resigns

A Livermore police officer involved in the Bay Area law enforcement sex-exploitation scandal has resigned. 

According to the City of Livermore, Livermore police became aware June 14 that one of its officers had a sexual relationship with the woman known as Celeste Guap. 

The officer was placed on leave amid an investigation. "The investigation has concluded and the officer involved subsequently submitted a letter of resignation," according to the city.

Police Chief Michael Harris stated, “This incident does not accurately reflect the professionalism of the men and women of the Livermore Police Department who protect our community every day. Now that this matter has reached a conclusion, we will move forward and continue to serve with honor and protect with purpose. I would like to thank our community for their continued support and patience as we completed this investigation.”

According to state law, personnel matters are required to be kept confidential, so the department is not releasing the officer's name. 

Meanwhile, Mayor Libby Schaaf announced Wednesday that four Oakland police officers will be fired after a city investigation indicated the officers had sexual relations with an underage sex worker and attempted to cover it up.

It was the latest twist in a series of events that have rocked the Oakland police department and its officers. The mayor said in addition to the terminations, another seven police officers will be suspended without pay, and another officer will be required to undergo additional training.

The Mayor said the 12 officers were given notices of the city's intent on Wednesday afternoon. Another investigation by the Alameda County District Attorney's office is expected to determine whether there will be any criminal charges filed against the officers. 

Schaaf said that by law, the city is not able to name the twelve officers being disciplined.

"I am deeply sorry for the harm this scandal has caused particularly to community trust," she said at a news conference Wednesday.

Guap claims she had sexual relations with two dozen current and former officers in several Bay Area departments that include Oakland, Richmond, Livermore, the Alameda County Sheriff's Department and the Contra Costa Sheriff's Office.

Guap was a Richmond resident and the daughter of an Oakland police dispatcher and has claimed that she had inappropriate sexual contact with at least three officers before she turned 18 last year.

The Oakland investigation indicated that the four Oakland officers fired committed violations including: attempted sexual assault, engaging in lewd conduct in public, assisting in the crime of prostitution, assisting in evading arrest for prostitution, accessing law enforcement databases for personal gain, being untruthful to investigators, failure to report allegations of a minor having sex with officers and bringing disrepute to the Oakland police department.

Guap, which is not her real name, was sent to a Florida rehab center in late August but was arrested on Aug. 29 for aggravated battery. According to a Martin County sheriff's office report, the woman ran from the rehab facility, removed her shirt, and flashed passing cars.

A security officer convinced her to return to the facility, where the report says Guap became violent, biting one of the security guards on his arm.  Once under arrest, the report says Guap was in the backseat of a patrol car and began beating her head against the car window and had to be restrained further to prevent her from hurting herself.

It was not immediately clear if she had posted the $300,000 bail in order to be released.

A website for attorney Pamela Price of Oakland was posted saying she and attorney Charles Bonner of Sausalito plan to represent Ms. Guap.