Mayor London Breed's brother may be resentenced

A judge on Monday granted a petition to San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s brother to possibly reduce his 44-year manslaughter sentence.

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Brendan Conroy found no evidence that Napoleon Brown threw his girlfriend Lenties White from the car in 2000 that led to a crash on the Golden Gate Bridge, which killed her. 

Even if he did, Brown's attorney, Marc Zilversmit told The Standard, there was no evidence Brown knew a car was approaching. 

The judge also agreed that the actual killer was the drunk driver who veered into the safety lane and struck White.

Brown will now be resentenced on his robbery and carjacking convictions instead of manslaughter, Zilversmit told The Standard. Brown’s next court date is April 3.

While the maximum penalty for those two crimes remains the same as when he got the 44-year term, the state has since changed the law by giving judge’s more leeway over sentencing.   

The District Attorney’s Office declined to comment on Monday’s decision.

San FranciscoNews