Mother of UCSF patient and Mission Bay organization file lawsuit to block new Warriors arena

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The Mission Bay Alliance and a mother of a critically-ill child who is a patient at UCSF Children’s Hospital have filed a lawsuit to block the proposed location of the new Warriors arena in San Francisco’s Mission Bay.

According to a press release, the papers were filed Thursday in Sacramento Superior Court. The suit claims city officials violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and did not adequately seek alternative locations for the arena and its impacts on traffic, noise and air quality.

There are concerns that the proposed arena would block access to UCSF Children’s Hospital in emergency situations.

From the news release:

“My family depends on having ready access to USCF Hospital,” said Jennifer Wade, a San Francisco resident whose six-year-old son, Magnus, was born with a congenital heart defect. “It deeply concerns me that San Francisco officials would approve an arena location that could jeopardize access to this critical care.” 

Later on Thursday, representatives for the Golden State Warriors responded calling the lawsuit, "frivolous".

Here's the statement in full: 

"During three years of intense public scrutiny, the Warriors arena won approval from 100% of boards, agencies and commissions that considered the matter: the Board of Supervisors, the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, the Mission Bay Citizens Advisory Committee, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and the Planning, Entertainment, Port and Public Utilities Commissions. The decision of our elected leaders to bring the Warriors home to San Francisco will be upheld by the courts, and this frivolous lawsuit brought by a secretive group of wealthy donors will fail."