Mountain View extends COVID-19-related tenant eviction protections

The Mountain View City Council on Friday approved the extension of a local urgency ordinance suspending evictions for nonpayment of rent for residential tenants.

The extension of tenant protections through Aug. 31 is for households that qualify due to hardship related to the novel coronavirus emergency.

The council also extended the rent payback period from 120 from the expiration of the urgency ordinance to 180 days.

The urgency ordinance applies to renters of mobile home sites aas well.

"To get started, tenants must notify landlords of their inability to pay rent within seven days after rent is due and provide proof of hardship from COVID-19 related impacts within 14 days after rent is due," the city said in an announcement.

Hardships include job layoffs or reductions in work hours, a substantial decrease in business income due to decreases of open hours or consumer demand, and substantial medical expenses or having to care for children or sick members of a household due to the pandemic.

Tenants must repay past rent within 180 days after expiration of the ordinance and landlords can collect late fees for rent not paid in timely manner.

Local mediation will be available to help formulate repayment plans and resolve issues between tenants and landlords.

Details and forms are online at