Nonprofit of state landmark looking for 'Keepers' of hundred-old lighthouse
East Brother Lighthouse Innkeeper Recruitment Opens
RICHMOND, Calif. - Richmond Mayor Tom Butt announced the city is looking for new innkeepers to manage the East Brother Lighthouse located in the San Francisco Bay.
The last two innkeepers, Stephanie and Bryan Wesolek are leaving after two years of "extraordinary service" in March 2023, and the nonprofit is looking for a couple to start in the following month. The pair would be "Keepers" of the East Brother Lighthouse Station located on an island in the San Francisco Bay with a lighthouse first built in 1874.
The responsibilities include preparing and serving breakfast and dinner for visitors, providing ferry service, and additional duties from "chef to the maid."
The inn normally operates four days a week from Thursday through Sunday, and occasionally offers special and day events.
Butt shared the reasons why a person would want this job; "incomparable views; meet a lot of interesting people; one of California's best-known bed and breakfast inns…doing something unique; birds, marine mammals, fresh air, boats; and history."
The lighthouse is a registered California Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Those applying will need to possess a Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential NMC boat operator’s license. The couple does not need to be married but will need to be able to live and work together.
At least one of the keepers will need to possess a valid license.
Children are considered "incompatible" for this position, and pets are extremely discouraged, especially dogs.
Compensation averages $140,000 for the couple annually and has been trending upward, according to the notice. The compensation relies on the makings of the business, after factoring in maintenance and other necessities. The couple is also given $10,000 approximately in health insurance.
Two to four weeks of vacation are granted. Housing is available on the island. Some former keepers have lived off the island on the off days; however, the nonprofit prefers the keepers to live on the island full-time.
For extra information on the position, visit Mayor Butt's blog.