Nvidia uses AI to make it easier to learn sign language
Nvidia AI program can teach sign language
Santa Clara-based Nvidia on Thursday unveiled a new free AI program which can teach American Sign Language.
SANTA CLARA, Calif. - Santa Clara-based Nvidia on Thursday announced a new AI platform, with the goal of making it easier to learn sign language. Nvidia is partnering with the American Society for Deaf Children to create a new teaching tool called "Signs."
"70 million people are deaf in the world – and many more hard of hearing – and there are many families, friends, and colleagues that want to be able to communicate with them," said Michael Boone, Nvidia's Manager of Trustworthy AI Product who oversees the development of "Signs."
Nvidia will use data from the users of sign language to improve communication between the deaf and hearing communities on its other AI platforms.
Boone says the company’s AI model first gathered American Sign Language (ASL) signs from as many authoritative sources as possible -- and then vetted the exact signing motions through certified translators and other outside experts. The avatar – and the direct feeback you get as captured by your computer’s camera -- is a representation of all of that research and learning.
Cheri Dowling, Executive Director of the American Society for Deaf Children, called the project "cutting edge." Dowling said: "It teaches everyone how to sign. How to use American Sign Language. It is an amazing opportunity for people to learn. And when a deaf person goes to a restaurant, if someone is there who is able to sign to them to take their order, that is a benefit. Being out in the community, someone that signs, that is benefit," Dowling said. Dowling's group partnered with Nvidia on the project.
The model launched with about 100 common words in ASL, but Nvidia plans to expand to 1,000 common words as the project evolves.
Signs is available to anyone for free and launched on Thursday.
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