Burglar wheels out safe from Oakland ice cream shop
Burglars target Oakland ice-cream shop
An ice-cream shop in one of Oakland's oldest neighborhoods was burglarized and had its safe stolen.
OAKLAND, Calif. - A burger and ice cream shop in downtown Oakland was burglarized early Friday, marking the latest break-in at one of the city's oldest neighborhoods.
The incident occurred around 7 a.m. at Lana's, near the corner of Eighth and Washington streets.
Surveillance video showed a man breaking the shop's front window and entering. After gaining access, he ransacked the office and wheeled out a safe. The man returned to take tools.
Thief rolls out of Oakland ice cream shop with safe
An ice cream shop in Oakland was burglarized and surveillance video shows the thief rolling out of the establishment with a safe.
The suspect fled in a silver Dodge Charger driven by an accomplice.
"At the end of the day, you hurt the community. I'm a local guy, we're a mom and pops," said owner Rob Feng. "I'm frustrated, disappointed, but at the same time, it's like it's almost become the norm, which it shouldn't be."
Oakland police are investigating the burglary.
The shop opened as Cookie Bar back in 2015, then rebranded itself during covid, reopening as Lana's and adding burgers and sides to the menu.
This break-in follows another close by at the African Caribbean Food Market, which was burglarized Aug. 29.
Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. E-mail Henry at Henry.Lee@fox.com and follow him on Twitter @henrykleeKTVU and www.facebook.com/henrykleefan