Oakland LGBTQ Community Center celebrates 5 years ahead of Pridefest
OAKLAND, Calif. - The Oakland LGBTQ Community Center is celebrating a major milestone this week ahead of Sunday's Pridefest in the city. This week marks five years since the center first opened its doors.
"Before we opened the Oakland LGBTQ Community Center, Oakland was the only major city in the state that did not have a center," said Joe Hawkins, CEO and co-founder of the center. "So, we were able to help our community in ways that it has never been helped before."
Today, the center provides an ever-growing list of services, from housing assistance and a medical clinic, to support groups and a youth center, to name a few.
"Just think about people in shared living situations here in the Bay Area who may not want to have trans people living with them, and we still have a very high number of parents who reject their LGBTQ youth," said Hawkins.
Hawkins said he is hoping to use this weekend’s Pridefest Oakland, which his center is lead sponsors, as a chance to encourage anyone, who may be in need of their services, to walk through the center’s doors on 3207 Lakeshore Avenue.
"During the pandemic it was very difficult to engage with the community to get information out about what’s happening, where the resources are," said Hawkins.
Of late, the center, has also been a leading provider of the monkeypox or Mpox, vaccine in the city. This month, the U.S. Health Department announced plans to send an additional 2,400 Mpox vaccine doses for distribution at Oakland pride events.
"We really want to reach the people who are at highest risk," said Hawkins. "I think we have enough doses right now to handle the people who want to be vaccinated."
Hawkins described Pridefest Oakland as a day for the community to learn about and access key services, but also importantly, to unwind with music and fun after what has been challenging few years amid the pandemic.
"We’ve been so disconnected for so long. This is a time for us come together. Just really celebrate," said Hawkins.
Pridefest Oakland kicks off on Sunday at 11 a.m. at 20th and Broadway and runs through 6 p.m.