Suspect in Oakland gay men's chorus member's slaying identified

Curtis Marsh, a singer in Oakland Gay Men's Chorus, was fatally stabbed in his apartment near Lake Merritt.

The Oakland Police Department on Friday said they arrested the person suspected of fatally stabbing a singer in the Oakland Gay Men's Chorus.

The suspect has been identified as 38-year-old Sweven Waterman, of Oakland. He has since been charged with murder by Alameda County's district attorney. The motive is not immediately clear nor how the suspect and victim knew each other.

Waterman was taken into custody in Berkeley after 53-year-old Curtis Marsh was allegedly killed on Saturday in the 200 block of Vernon Street near Lake Merritt.

Marsh loved to sing and was also a barber. 

Neighbors said the killer also set a fire near the entrance to the apartment and left the front door and gate open when running from the scene.

Earlier this week, DeeDee Twine said she and Marsh had known each other since the 6th grade. The two of them moved from Iowa to the Bay Area in 1995 when they were in their mid-20s.

Twine said Marsh helped her raise her children and grandson.

Oakland Gay Men's Chorus singer stabbed and killed in his home

Family and friends of a singer in the Oakland Gay Men's Chorus, who was stabbed and killed over the weekend, are mourning his death.

"For the life of me, I can not imagine who would put him in harm's way. Curtis was good to a lot of people," said Twine.

A vigil will be held for Marsh on Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Oakland LGBTQ Community Center, 3207 Lakeshore Ave. 

According to Alameda County court documents, Waterman had numerous prior convictions on charges including robbery, forgery and vehicle theft. He received prison terms and probation for his prior convictions. 

If anyone has information about the case, they are asked to contact the Homicide Section at (510) 238-3821 or the TIP LINE at (510) 238-7950.