Oakland residents question Alameda County DA, police at second public safety meeting
OAKLAND, Calif. - Pamela Price, Alameda County's district attorney, and Oakland police officials met with residents Saturday to discuss growing crime problems in the area.
This is the second community event Price has held as an opportunity for residents to question the DA on her approach to addressing crime. Price is currently facing a recall and has faced widespread criticism for her choice to throw out charges that include special enhancements.
"They do not deter crime. Number two, they are racially biased, and number three they require longer sentences," Price said about special enhancements. "Enhancements force us to invest in prisons, and as long as we are investing in prisons, we are not investing in job programs."
But many residents who attended the meeting said they are frustrated with ongoing crime issues, and suggested programs to have low-level offenders do community service which would include picking up trash across Oakland.
Others said crime prevention needs to start at the schools for young children.
"When they get to high school, it's already in there," one resident said about crime. "We have to train up a child in the way they should go, so that when they are old they already know."
Price's recall did not come up during the community meeting.