Obama immigration plan blocked by 4-4 tie at Supreme Court

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12:20 p.m.

The Supreme Court's tie vote effectively kills Obama's plan to shield millions more immigrants in the U.S. illegally from deportation and granted them work permits.

Obama says his administration will continue focusing its limited enforcement resources on people who have committed a crime and that deportation for long-term immigrants who aren't criminals will remain a low priority.

Still, Obama says the deadlock is frustrating for immigrants who want to work and contribute to the economy. He says it's "heartbreaking" for them.

12:15 p.m.

For those listening to Supreme Court justices read summaries of their opinions in the courtroom, the fact that the justices were split on the president's immigration plan slipped by some.

Roberts said nothing other than identifying the two cases by the numbers and names the court refers to them by. The immigration plan case was: 15-674, U.S. v. Texas.

12:15 p.m.

Thursday's ruling effectively kills Obama's plan to shield millions living in the U.S. illegally from deportation — a plan Clinton supports.

She said as president, she would "do everything possible under the law to go further to protect families."

12:15 p.m.

He says it's not a matter of "if," but a matter of "when."

Obama says the country deserves an immigration policy that reflects the goodness of the American people.

He says he hopes that will be an outcome of the voting in November for control of the White House and Congress.

12:05 p.m.

President Barack Obama is using the deadlocked Supreme Court opinion on his immigration actions to hammer Republicans for refusing to confirm his nominee to the Supreme Court.

The president says his immigration actions can't go forward until the court has a ninth justice to break the tie.

Obama is also alluding to Republican Donald Trump's call for building a border wall with Mexico. Obama says the U.S. doesn't need to wall itself off and that immigration isn't something to fear.

12 p.m.

President Barack Obama says the Supreme Court decision blocking his immigration plan sets the system back and "takes us further from the country we aspire to be."

Obama sought to use his own authority to shield from deportation millions of immigrants living illegally in the country.

The high court, which tied 4-4, effectively kills Obama's plan for the duration of his presidency.

11:30 a.m.

President Barack Obama will speak from the White House at midday Thursday about the Supreme Court vote on his immigration plan.

The high court's tie vote effectively kills Obama's plan for the duration of his presidency.

10:40 a.m.

The justices' one-sentence opinion on Thursday effectively kills the plan for the rest of Obama's presidency.

Texas led 26 Republican-dominated states in challenging the program Obama announced in November 2014. Congressional Republicans also backed the states' lawsuit.