OUSD responds to allegations that teachers manipulated grades at Castlemont High

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Officials with the Oakland Unified School District will hold a news conference on Thursday afternoon to discuss "potential issues" discovered through an investigation into how some staff administered a high school credit recovery program known as APEX. 

There have been several complaints of "grade manipulations" for graduation requirements filed with the district, according to a news release. The administration has been looking into these allegatioons specifically at Castlement High School since early in the summer break.

"Based on what we know from Castlemont, we realized we need to take a closer look at the way APEX is administered across all school sites," the news release said. "As yet, our investigation has found no evidence to support those allegations."

At the news conference on Thursday, district officials said they would speak about what the investigation has turned up, and what is being done in response.

As background, APEX is an online program that has been used for the past five years in OUSD to help high school students pass required coursework that they have been having trouble completing in traditional classroom settings.

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