Police: Women bound boy to crab trap, taped mouth

Police believe two women are responsible for binding and muzzling a 4-year-old boy using a crab trap and line as well as industrial tape. One of the women is in custody, while police are still searching for the boy’s mother for what police believe was her role in the incident.

Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department’s Special Victims Unit arrested Amy Sanders on the reported child abuse incident. Police said they are still searching for her sister and the mother of the child, Jill Love, 32.

Investigators said the boy’s father tried to visit his son at Sanders’ home in the 200 block of Waycross Road on Sept. 5. Police said Love initially wouldn’t let him see the child, but he was able to get past her to the boy bound to the crab trap and tape over his mouth. He took the child from the home and called police.

Investigators said the young boy suffered only minor injuries and is in good condition.

Police said Sanders was served with warrant while being already booked in Chatham County Detention Center on unrelated charges. She is being charged with felony cruelty to children in the first degree in this case.

Detectives said Love also goes by Jill Sanders. She may be in Savannah or Springfield, Georgia.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department’s Special Victims Unit at 912-525-3124 or Crime Stoppers at 912-234-2020.