San Francisco's 420 Hippie Hill event not happening for 2nd straight year

For the second straight year, San Francisco’s 4/20 Hippie Hill celebration is not happening.

‘Peace, Love, an Volo’

What we know:

Instead, the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department announced that a "Peace, Love, and Volo" field day will take place on April 20 at Golden Gate Park’s Robin Williams Meadow and Hippie Hill.

The event is hosted by Volo Sports, a social sports club that organized a similar field day at the same location last year after Hippie Hill organizers canceled their event.

What they're saying:

"The sports event’s debut in 2024 marked a shift from the traditional cannabis culture celebration that previously took place in the park on that day," the parks and recreation department said.

Last year's 4/20 Hippie Hill celebration nixed for financial reasons

Dig deeper:

On 4/20, marijuana culture’s "high holiday," cannabis enthusiasts typically gathered in large groups to celebrate. San Francisco’s Hippie Hill event was one of the largest such gatherings, attracting thousands.

Festival organizers, however, canceled last year’s event, citing city budget cuts and a lack of sponsorships.

"We have been unable to secure enough financial sponsorship to get everything required for a safe, clean, city & state-compliant event," the group on social media at the time, promising to return the following year.

That return will not be happening, at least not at Hippie Hill.

Organizers have not yet responded to KTVU’s request for comment on future plans or whether other 4/20-related events are scheduled this year.

The Source: The San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department

San FranciscoCannabis