San Francisco teachers and parents hold vigil for Uvalde and Buffalo victims

In front of San Francisco City Hall, school teachers, community members, and parents came to a vigil in honor of the lost lives in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, mass shootings.

An empty desk with flowers and a banner reading Safe Schools for All was placed in front of city hall. Two frames on top of the desk listed the names of the ten people killed at the Buffalo market and the 19 children and 2 teachers at a school in Uvalde.

"The pain of these families is our pain. We all carry that," said Olga Miranda, President of the SEIU 87 which helped organize the vigil with the teachers' union.

"I feel horrified. I feel really heartbroken and angry and just frustrated," said Thea Anderson, a San Francisco teacher, "I guess I think people need to be thinking about whether they care about children's lives. What's more important than that?"

"My son came home from school the day of the shooting, or maybe it was the day after and said he heard about it from a friend of his," said Lex Leifheit, a San Francisco parent, explaining that she had to explain to her son that mass shootings do happen in California communities as well, "It's a hard message to deliver but also to keep delivering."

Many said they are tired of repeated shooting and want action, calling for Congress to get gun regulations passed.

"It is unacceptable. We're going to need the help of every single community member," said Cassondra Curiel, president of the United Educators of San Francisco.

"I've been really upset about all the shootings that have been happening for a long time and that  and no gun reform has passed legislation because of our Congress," said Joanne Duong Bartels, a San Francisco parent who brought a sign that said "Vote".

"At what point to do we say enough is enough, and we're actually going to do something about it?" said Sean Nunley-Willis, Vice-President of para-educators, with the United Educators of San Francisco. 

Many called for local action too to help support children.

"We need a nationwide response, and we need also need local interventions that we know work, such as more counselors in school, more social workers," said Curiel.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed promised more mental health funding to support students.

"A partnership with UCSF in my upcoming budget around mental health support for kids in this city will happen," said Mayor Breed.

Finding funding within the schools could be difficult as the San Francisco Unified School District faces budget and staffing challenges.

Some parents say it will take the whole community to work together.

"We need to as a community see the signs and be looking out for each other and looking out for all kids," said Leifheit.

Jana Katsuyama is a reporter for KTVU.  Email Jana at and follow her on Twitter @JanaKTVU or Facebook @NewsJana or