San Francisco to use RVs to quarantine people exposed to coronavirus

As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in San Francisco reaches 14, the city announced Tuesday it's identifying quarantine locations for those who don't need hospitalization and can't self-isolate.

According to the office of Mayor London Breed, people who've tested positive for the virus, or who've been exposed to it and need to be quarantined but either live in shared spaces like SROs or are homeless, will be provided with temporary isolation housing consisting of RVs.

The RVs are being staged in the Presidio and will be placed at various locations throughout the city as needed, Breed's office said.

"Our top priority is public health and slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our community," the mayor said in a statement.

"Not everyone in our city has access to housing where they can go if they are infected or exposed to the virus, and it's important that we take measures like this to care for our most vulnerable residents, including people who are homeless," she said.

In addition to the RVs, the city is also looking for sites for auxiliary quarantine housing, including at unoccupied residential properties. The city is also asking hotels to identify vacant rooms that can be used.

"We're working on many fronts to disrupt the spread of COVID-19 throughout San Francisco, from canceling large gatherings and encouraging telecommuting, to instructing vulnerable populations to limit their outings," Dr. Grant Colfax said. "By providing quarantine support for people who are experiencing homelessness or who live in SROs or other congregate settings, we can help ensure that those who are exposed to the virus are able to self-isolate," Colfax said. On Monday, Breed announced the city would invest $5 million to protect homeless people from the coronavirus. The investments will go toward increased cleaning in shelters, resource centers, and SROs; increased meal programs; and expanded shelter hours, among other measures.