San Francisco voters feeling optimistic following Biden's Friday night address

Voters have been waiting four long days for election results and it looks like the wait isn't over. 

A KTVU crew visited three neighborhoods in San Francisco to speak with voters before and after former Vice President Joe Biden's speech Friday night. 

People say they were hoping there would be a declared winner by this time. But they say they're optimistic there will be one soon despite legal challenges.

At Spark Social SF, a food truck park in Mission Bay, all televisions are tuned to election results. 

They also carried Biden's speech to the nation. 

The response from his supporters was low key. 

"I'm hesistant. I'm not ready to celebrate. There's a lot of lawsuits ahead. The White House is trying to overturn different states where the vote count is really close," says Chrysta Irolla of San Francisco. 

"Watching it was stressing me out and not trying to celebrate yet but hoping for the best," says Aarti Deshpande, also of San Francisco.    

"Trump, Pence out now," chanted activists with a group called Refuse Fascism gathered at the busy intersection of Market and 10th Streets, The group chanted and held signs. 

The protestors are calling for every vote to be counted. 

"Trump has already announced he isn't going to concede and he's going to continue to fight so we think that has to be taken seriously," says Barry Thornton, a spokesman for the group.

At the San Francisco Athletic Club in lower Pacific Heights,  people say  after working from home,  happy hour here on a Friday is a good time to be with friends and check on election results. 

"We're feeling good. My friends and I had a group text and really cheerful this morning. I think people are feeling really optimistic," says Alexa Wills of San Francisco.

"Hoping it'll be called by hopefully tomorrow at the latest so everyone can settle down and get on with their lives," says Tom Howells from London.  He says he's a new U.S. citizen voting for the first time.

"I'm excited for one. I think it's about time to call the race. It's pretty evident the votes are there," says Sean Grady who volunteered for the Biden campaign in Arizona.

Back at the food truck park,  Bert Garcia and his son Vincent say they're optimistic and patient as they watch the election results.

"Nothing's set for sure but we're waiting," Garcia says while having a beer.

"Above all else, safety for everybody. Don't put anybody in harm's way. Don't put anybody down for who they voted for," says Garcia's son Vincent.

"We should tread lightly but be hopeful. Hopefully, democracy wins out and our election will be verified," Irolla says.

Protestors say there will be a rally Saturday at Noon.

They plan to march from the Embarcadero to Union Square.